sharpening service
barber clipper sharpening service

Quality requirements of the client: The quality standards that the piece being processed must satisfy differ greatly from customer to customer and depend on the use and the quality of the item produced. The tool's life span is generally longer when the requirements are less demanding than when extremely high quality standards have to be achieved.
I thought about what Matt Lonen, Sharpener at Sur La Table told me. "If you adhere to any school of thought and work with care and accuracy, you'll get a sharp knife. It's all in the small subtle nuances, the fancy ones--that's where you would have to practice under a Master.
The reason we picked it: While we didn't test these services (we focused on wide accessibility) If you're in a city, there is probably a professional, reputable sharpening service that sharpens using whetstones, or other slow wet grinding methods.
This is the reason why no precise value can be specified for a tool's edge life. After consulting with the customer However, the tool maker can suggest the most efficient design to meet the needs of the specific job.
sharpening service